I was sitting in the office cafeteria with friends and colleagues.
Digesting lunch. I choose to sit and
allow my stomach to have a slow digestion process. So what? I own a large bunch of lazy muscles. My stomach understands me completely!
He knows It’s not that I don’t love walking with legs much or that I love my
sluggishness (which sometimes I do!) Poor him realizes perfectly that I am good at
ignoring most of the good lifestyle leading thoughts and ultimately actions! Plays his own tricks and techniques to remind me about my unhealthy habits (I guess every stomach does that) is norm and what he is expert in. So out of love (he thinks!) I do exercise once in a while to compensate. Okay! No
more discussion on my bonding with my stomach!!

Then keeping the momentum on, other friend started to share
a similar hysterical incident when their whole team had gone together at Water
Park. She described how many didn’t know swimming but they were having fun at
different levels inside water (not deep). Suddenly one non-swimmer slipped in
water and caught hand of person next to him, funny thing was even he didn’t
know swimming, then to save himself the second guy interestingly held the
person who again had no skill in swimming. She mimicked the whole misery of the
second guy that how the non-swimmer in middle had to battle against the kicks
from both sides and had to struggle to come out of water. He was blaming his
bad fate innocently. The whole situation OMG!! Laughed our hearts out. This was
not the ending; in other situation in office some mischievous team-mates had
mailed the invitation of his marriage with manager from his unlocked system to the
whole team. It created earthquake but we were almost in tears, nearing death out of aching stomach!
That was one hell of a noon!!
That was one hell of a noon!!
These situations might not be so hilarious but while sitting
in a group laughing even tiniest of the tiny silliness amounts to crazy laughs.
It may be the company, age or cracks in our head but these moments are life!! J
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