Ha! All fool’s day. It’s time for you to unleash your fun
side. The only day when you can officially pull the leg of anyone - who always
scared you, your boss (if you are sure there are no chances of him firing you!!),
your big always so right brother, your best friend so smart or your no nonsense
teacher… Being a trickster and pulling out fake stuffs and making them believe in
it… Oh! That pleasure does makes us so so happy and whole situation a hilarious
incident in cells of our memory. I can remember my first memory of April fool’s
day when I was in 2nd standard, all I could think of was pretending
there was a lizard behind my mother and then I saw my mom jump and freaking out…though
simple in nature, the so called prank to me did give me a good amount of laughter
and a sense of pride in pulling a leg of an adult none other than my mom!!!